About Us
The Founding Year of BIN Cigar
In the year 2013, a new chapter in the world of premium cigars was written with the establishment of BIN Cigar. This momentous venture was the brainchild of the late Abdul Kahar Muzakir, whose passion and half a century’s worth of experience in tobacco and cigars laid the foundation for what would become a renowned name in the industry.
Abdul Kahar Muzakir’s vision was not just to create another cigar company, but to bring a unique twist to the market. He achieved this by pioneering the use of Havana Cuban tobacco, a variety esteemed for its rich flavor and smoothness.
This tobacco was expertly cultivated to thrive in the fertile lands of Kabupaten Jember, Indonesia. Under his guidance, this cultivation process was meticulously tailored to ensure that while the plants adapted to their new environment, they retained the authentic taste that makes Cuban tobacco legendary.
Today, BIN Cigar stands as a testament to Abdul Kahar Muzakir’s dream and dedication. The company has evolved into a prominent cigar producer, known for its diverse array of products. Each cigar in BIN Cigar’s portfolio is a masterpiece, varying in type, size, and specification, yet all maintaining the high-quality standards set since our founding year. BIN Cigar continues to honor the legacy of its founder by blending tradition with innovation, and by consistently delivering an unmatched smoking experience to cigar aficionados worldwide.
Our Vision
Inspiring the world through the art of premium cigar craftsmanship. At BIN Cigar, we envision a future where our dedication to excellence and innovation in cigar production sets new standards in the industry. We aim to blend tradition with modernity, creating exceptional experiences for cigar aficionados globally. Our commitment extends beyond product excellence to encompass sustainability, community engagement, and responsible business practices, positioning us as not just a leader in the cigar industry, but as a brand that enhances lifestyles and respects the environment.
Our Mission
At BIN Cigar, our mission is to redefine the essence of cigar enjoyment through a fusion of innovation, tradition, and uncompromising quality. We are dedicated to meticulously crafting cigars that not only embody the rich heritage of tobacco artistry but also embrace cutting-edge techniques to offer a distinct smoking experience. Our commitment to excellence drives us to source the finest materials, ensuring every cigar we produce meets the highest standards of taste and quality. We strive to build enduring relationships with our customers, employees, and communities, fostering a culture of responsibility, sustainability, and mutual respect. As we continue to grow, our focus remains steadfast on delivering products that not only satisfy but also elevate the sensory experiences of cigar enthusiasts around the world.
Only the Best Quality of Cigars
At our company, we are dedicated to providing only the best quality of cigars. Each cigar is meticulously crafted using premium tobacco, ensuring an exceptional smoking experience with every puff. Our commitment to excellence guarantees that every cigar you enjoy embodies the perfect blend of tradition and craftsmanship. Discover the superior quality that sets our cigars apart.
Setting the Standart of Cigar Excellence
At BIN Cigar, we are proud to announce that we have been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certification, an international standard that recognizes our commitment to consistent quality management. This certification marks our dedication to delivering high-quality cigars that meet and exceed the expectations of our customers.
Excellence is at the core of every cigar we create. With this certification, our customers can have complete confidence that every cigar produced not only meets global standards but is crafted with a philosophy of uncompromising excellence.
Board of Commissioners
Our Board of Commissioners brings a wealth of experience and expertise, guiding our company with strategic vision and unwavering commitment to excellence. Their leadership ensures that we maintain the highest standards in all aspects of our operations, from production to customer satisfaction
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors comprises industry leaders who drive our strategic vision and growth. With their diverse expertise and dedicated leadership, they ensure our company adheres to the highest standards of excellence and innovation, guiding us towards continued success and customer satisfaction.